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At Auto Injury Home Care Specialists we believe that continuing education and communication are important components to providing excellent and consistent care. We have developed a completely online program allowing our employees to increase their knowledge and stay current learning new ways to improve the care they provide.

Most of At Auto Injury Home Care Specialists we believe that continuing education and communication are important components to providing excellent and consistent care. We have developed a completely online program allowing our employees to increase their knowledge and stay current learning new ways to improve the care they provide.


Auto Injury Home Care Specialists


Autonomic Dysreflexia In Service


Autonomic Dysreflexia (AD) occurs when there is a sudden rise in blood pressure in an individual with a spinal cord injure (SCI), it is a potentially life-threatening condition that occurs in individuals with spinal cord
injuries (SCI) at or above the T6 level. It is typically caused by an exaggerated autonomic response to stimuli below the level of injury.
AD is a medical emergency that requires immediate intervention to prevent
complications such as stroke or death!


1. Causes and Triggers
• Common Triggers:
• Bladder issues: overdistension, catheter blockage, or urinary tract infection (UTI).
• Bowel issues: constipation or impaction.

• Skin irritation: pressure ulcers, tight clothing, or ingrown nails.
• Other: pain, sexual activity, or temperature extremes.


2. Signs and Symptoms
• Above the Level of Injury:
• Severe pounding headache.
• Profuse sweating, especially on the face and neck.
• Flushed skin.
• Nasal congestion.
• Below the Level of Injury:
• Pale, cold, and clammy skin.

• Goosebumps
• Other Symptoms:
• High blood pressure (often significantly above baseline).

• Excessive spasms from patients that have normal spasticity
• Slow heart rate (bradycardia).
• Anxiety or a feeling of doom.


3. Emergency Response and Management
• Immediate Actions:
1. Positioning: Sit the client upright (90 degrees) to reduce blood pressure.
2. Remove Tight Clothing: Loosen any restrictive garments.
3. Identify and Eliminate the Trigger:
• Check the catheter for kinks or blockages.
• Perform a bowel assessment and administer a rectal examination if trained and

• Inspect the skin for irritations or injuries.
• When to Seek Help:
• If blood pressure remains elevated or the trigger cannot be resolved, call emergency
services immediately.
• Medications:
• Administer prescribed antihypertensive medications if part of the care plan.


4. Prevention Strategies
• Bladder Management:
• Regularly check and maintain catheter patency.
• Ensure proper hydration and monitor for UTIs.
• Bowel Management:
• Develop a regular bowel program to prevent constipation.
• Educate clients on proper diet and fiber intake.
• Skin Care:
• Perform routine skin assessments to prevent pressure injuries.
• Use appropriate bedding and cushions to reduce friction.
• Client Education:
• Teach clients and families to recognize early signs and triggers.
• Encourage clients to report new or worsening symptoms immediately.

If left untreated, this condition can result in seizure, retinal hemorrhage, stroke or in extreme cases, death.




Please take the test below and click submit to complete your In-Service. 

1. What is autonomic dysreflexia?
2. Which of the following is not a common trigger for autonomic dysreflexia?
3. What are the symptoms of Autonomic Dys/Hyperreflexia? Check all that apply
4. What is the most appropriate first action if a client shows signs of autonomic dysreflexia?
5. Autonomic Dysreflexia is not considered a medical emergency and the symptoms will go away on their own
6. How can autonomic dysreflexia be prevented?
I have read and understand the Body Mechanics and Patient Lifting. By signing and dating below, I am agreeing that I have answered all of the questions honestly and to the best of my ability. If I knowingly provide false information, I understand that I could be terminated and lose my employment with Auto Injury Home Care Specialists

Thank You for CompletingYour In-Service

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