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WELCOME to Auto Injury Home Care Specialists!

Welcome to the team at Auto Injury Home Care Specialists! We look forward to working with you and growing together! As caregivers we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and assistance to our patients 24/7, while helping to improve their quality of life.


The following is our new employee knowledge exam. This exam is provided online in order to assess how much home care knowledge our new employees have as well as help to expedite the hiring process.

At Auto Injury Home Care Specialists we believe that continuing education and communication are important components to providing excellent and consistent care. We have developed a completely online program allowing our employees to increase their knowledge and stay current learning new ways to improve the care they provide.




Please choose what you think is the best answer to each question.

1. Caregivers provide care for clients that need assistance to remain living in their independent living environment by:
2. A caregiver is most helpful to the client when:
3. The caregiver is taking care of a client with severe short-term memory loss. The client becomes angry when her dinner was not served to her as hot as she wanted it. She tells the caregiver to leave and never return. The best way to handle this situation is:
4. Which statement is incorrect regarding professional boundaries with the client?
5. A HHA/CNA is allowed to perform the following tasks in their legal scope of practice:
6. What information is okay to share according to the HIPAA privacy law?
7. You go in to Mrs. Brown’s home and find new bruises on both of her upper arms. She has dementia and her son stayed the night with her the previous night. She tells you that her son was mean to her. What is the correct next action to take?
8. What is NOT one of the caregiver rights?
9. Whom would the caregiver call for help first when the client is complaining of severe chest pain?
10. What is not considered nonverbal communication?
11. What is considered therapeutic communication?
12. When caring for a client from a different country, the caregiver should:
13. What is NOT acceptable when communicating with a client?
14. What should you do before attempting to lift a client?
15. Bloodborne pathogens (diseases) do NOT include:
16. When does a caregiver need to wear gloves?
17. What is NOT considered infectious waste?
18. What is NOT a factor for a healthy, clean environment?
19. When assisting the client with a bath you carefully check his skin. What is something you would not necessarily need to report to your supervisor?
20. What is NOT true when giving a client a bath?
21. A Foley catheter is used:
22. When dry, hard stools fill the rectum and will not pass, it is called:
23. Which of the following is a proper way to correct an error in charting?
24. What is the correct use of body mechanics when lifting and transferring a client?
25. The primary goal of restorative care is:
26. A pressure ulcer or a decubitus ulcer is caused by:
27. While eating dinner, the client begins to choke and turn blue. The caregiver should:
28. The caregiver notices that the client has many throw rugs in the living areas. The caregiver should:
29. Signs of poor circulation are:
30. Which will NOT prevent pressure sores?
31. When communicating with a non-ambulatory client, the caregiver should use all of the following EXCEPT:
32. While a caregiver assists Mrs. Smith with a bath, the client uses a washcloth to clean her perineal area and puts the washcloth back into the basin of soapy water. The caregiver still needs to wash Mrs. Smith’s face. The caregiver should:
33. Mr. Thomas (client) calls the caregiver by the name of his son who died several years ago. The caregiver’s BEST response is to:
34. Before helping a client transfer from a wheelchair, be sure to:
I have read and understand the New Employee Competency Test. By signing and dating below, I am agreeing that I have answered all of the questions honestly and to the best of my ability. If I knowingly provide false information, I understand that I could be terminated and lose my employment with Auto Injury Home Care Specialists

Thank you for completing your employee competency test.

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