Specializing In The Care Of Auto Injury Survivors
Starting at $16/HR & Earn up to $20/HR In Your First Year! And We Pay 50% of Your Premium for The Best Medical, Dental & Vision Benefits!
Go with a Name That You Can Trust. We Are an Accredited
BBB Company!
Case Managers
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Home Care Services
Employee Services
WELCOME to Auto Injury Home Care Specialists!
Welcome to the team at Auto Injury Home Care Specialists! We look forward to working with you and growing together! As caregivers we are dedicated to providing the highest quality of care and assistance to our patients 24/7, while helping to improve their quality of life.
The following is our new employee knowledge exam. This exam is provided online in order to assess how much home care knowledge our new employees have as well as help to expedite the hiring process.
At Auto Injury Home Care Specialists we believe that continuing education and communication are important components to providing excellent and consistent care. We have developed a completely online program allowing our employees to increase their knowledge and stay current learning new ways to improve the care they provide.